Botanical Herb Garden

Botanical Herb Garden

Herbs have been used in beauty and therapeutic practices for centuries, but a newfound focus on health, nature, and heritage in the wake of the pandemic is inspiring consumer interest in these every day plants.herb garden fragrance oil trend

Consumers are creating their own herbal products at home to enhance a sense of wellness and calm. DIY herbal room and pillow sprays feature notes of soothing lavender or uplifting bergamot.

Merging with the trend for bringing nature indoors, bunches of herbs are hung from showerheads in the bathroom, while in the kitchen, herbs are added to boiling water to create simmer pots.

botanical herb garden fragrance oil trendsWith the rise in interest for more natural products in the home, fragrances are designed to create a relaxing, reassuring space where consumers can unwind.

There is a wide range in fragrance oils used, whether it's lavender to calm or sage to cleanse, or eucalyptus to invigorate herbs cater to different moods and times of day with tailored scents. It is key for brands to create beauty products and candles inspired by botanicals for clean, complex scents that encourage a feeling of wellness.botanical herb garden fragrance oil trend

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